Specialties from Europe for Europe

For producersLeistungenHersteller


A strong label on the regional and national level can definitly be successful on the international market. Requirements for success are high quality products, a high output level and the prerequisites for making export an extended trading area.  Don't forget: Even if a product or a label is very well known in your own country -  the national image you built can be of absolutely no significance in your neighboring countries. 

That is why the ETC has your organisation and your products undergo an objective export checkOnly after that we are able to suggest specific measures and develop an export concept that is geared to your competences and possibilities.


Corresponding purchasing processes and patterns are often not adapted to the international market. In each - also European - country there are highly differentiated and complex demands with regards to sales, which need to be analysed and managed appropriately

  • consumer habits
  • trade patterns
  • legal environment
  • languages 
  • logistics
  • etc.

Even the best sales person depends on their contacts and negotiation strategies. These are always based on knowing national habtis, expressing oneself in another language and knowing the "right" people.

This is exactly what the ETC can offer you. We provide you with a transparent platform, our structures and contacts to support your export. Whether you are looking for a suitable logistics solution or decide to entrust us with your entire Europe-wide export - we are open for any meaningful partnership.